Sunday, February 8, 2009

Conquer Procrastination

Today is a great day to write about Conquering Procrastination. In the book " The Richest Man in Babylon" George Clason writes about the need to Conquer Procrastination. One of the characters in the book said, "To me, Procrastination proved to be an enemy, ever watching and waiting to thwart my accomplishments." I've been wanting to post about this principle for a while, but now I finally do it.

It is so easy to procrastinate. We often think about things that we need to do, but wait to do it. Later in his book Clason says, "Action will lead thee forward to the successes thou dost desire." There is no better way to conquer procrastination than to take action now. Of course we should set goals and plans to accomplish them. Then we must act on those plans. We should prioritize and then stick to the plan.

I think that many young couples wait to save for retirement or wait to set a budget. Hopefully we can do a little better in areas that we know we need to to set goals and work towards them. Let us conquer procrastination as it relates to our finances and other important areas of our lives.


  1. just wanted to let you know someone is reading---It was one of the biggest blessings in dave and I's lives that we were able to (and prioritized to) Save money while he had a great job working full time (doing undergrad studies) (and even more hours during the summer) he almost fell over dead being such a hard overtime worker for our family--but now we are at grad school and saved enough money to pay for our housing for the three years of his grad school. Now all we have to worry about it food money. If we had procrastinated--we would have a LOT more burden on our (HIS) shoulders right now--when he should be studying his heart out and feeling like a success. (sorry if this didn't make sense--just wanted to share!) Save your money- make it happen- even if it's $50 a months- it will surely add up.

  2. Oh hey! I've read that. It's really good! Go Darrell the blogger!

  3. Wow! That is Awesome Laura!!! 3 years of housing savings is great!
