Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Include the Entertainment category in your budget

What is the use of have a meticulous budget if you don't get to have some fun too?  No matter how big or small, I feel it is important to have an entertainment category in the budget.  We are looking forward to our family trip to Yosemite, San Francisco, and Modesto.  The blessing of a budget is helping us afford it.

The entertainment category is great to have when siblings want to head to a sporting event, musical, or the movies.  This is great when you just want to go get some ice cream.  The only down side to the entertainment category of the budget is there has to be a limit. 

Enjoy the journey.  Make some memories.  Have fun!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


This week Janell and I made a sacrifice that will hopefully help us with our goals for the coming year. We had been paying quite the premium for our cable/internet bundle after the introductory period expired a couple of months ago. Now that Janell is done with her Bachelors degree (Congrats Janelly!!!) we have decided to go with basic cable and basic internet. The switch happens Monday. So, now we will have to deal with the much slower speeds while online.
I guess the point here is that reaching our goals takes sacrifice. We must give up something we have or want to get something better. In business, opportunity cost is what you give up to get something different. We must decide if what we are sacrificing is worth more than what we are getting for the sacrifice or not. The answer is subjective and thus it is different for everyone.
Hopefully we are sacrificing the right things for that which will last. Giving our time, talents, and money is worth the reward of a strengthened relationships with family and friends.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


In the book, "How Successful People. . . Keep their lives out of the toilet" by Sandra Phillips and Don Aslett, I learned a new way of thinking about commitment.  Commitment is the "I will . . ." attitude.  This differs from I wonder. . ., I wish . . ., I will try. . . ., I'll see what I can do . . ., I will do it as soon as . . .Instead of just having an intention to do something great we must make the commitment to do so.  "Yes. I will."  "I promise."
According to Yoda, "Do or Do not. There is no Try."  After the commitment is made there must be followthrough.  Distractions, detours, and temptations will certainly follow the making of  a commitment.  If we are truly commited then we will not falter from achieving what we said we would do.  

Stick to your task till it sticks to you; 
Beginners are many, but enders are few. 
Honour, power, place, and praise 
Will come, in time, to the one who stays. 

Stick to your task till it stick to you;
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too; 
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile 
Will come life's victories, after awhile. 