Saturday, December 20, 2008

Look and Wake up

Waking up in the middle of the night just isn't much fun. When I have to get up in the night to go to the bathroom I do everything I can to Not look at the light fixture or I will wake up too much. Then it takes a lot longer to get back to sleep. Well, today was one of those sleep in days, but I had to get up for to use the bathroom at 7:15 when it was still dark. I did my best not to look at the light, but a great spiritual application came to my mind that I had to write down.

Maybe we don't look to The Light, The Savior enough because deep down inside we know that we will "wake up" and not be able to go back to sleep very easily. If we look to The Light then we won't be able to do our own thing as much. Instead we will be inspired to follow the Savior. We will more consciously know we shouldn't take the easy road. Really it will still be up to us if we follow the Savior or decide to go back to sleep. Hopefully when we feel the need to "wake up" and "look to the Light" then we will follow those promptings. Doing so will truly bless our lives. We will get more lasting happiness than the pleasure of extra "sleep" we don't need. Now of course we all need our sleep at night, but there are times when we need to "awake and arise from the dust . . . and come unto Christ and be perfected in him."

After thinking about the spiritual application I knew that I wanted to share it. The financial application came to mind as well. Often times we don't want to look at our finances to see where we can improve. We would rather stay asleep for the temporary pleasure of buying things we don't need, spending more than we earn, or paying to much for something when we could save a lot by purchasing somewhere else or even waiting until the price comes down. We should actually Look to at finances to see where we can do a little better. Make sure we aren't asleep to our financial situation. Delaying gratification can sure bring longer lasting financial freedom as we live within our means and save for the future.


  1. Darrell
    I would have to agree with you on this especailly this last semster. i have really come to realize home important shopping around for the right price is.
    I actually took a class last year where we had to go to three different stores and compare proces on the same things and it was amazing to see the difference that it makes.
    congrats on graduating and getting the job

  2. Thanks Mel. That class you took sounds like it would have been a great experience and a lot of fun. Not all classes encourage yo uto go shopping.

  3. You mean I shouldn't take out lots of loan money so I can spend as much as i want on groceries each month?!! --honestly- I am really excited you decided to share this blog with us--thanks for being willing to share a piece of your puzzle that can bless other's lives. (aka for you are smart with money--teach us!)
    -Laura Marie
