Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prepare for the future

This morning I had a bit of a paradigm shift. Some financial experts seem to focus a lot on building wealth. Although that focus can be a good one, my mind shifted a bit on how I want to look at it.

Instead of focusing on a desire to be wealthy I believe that it is better to focus on being prepared financially for the future. Being prepared financially truly is a key to the future.

I want to be prepared for. . . when the car breaks down. . . . buying our 1st house . . . . going on regular dates with my wife. . . . taking vacactions . . . . furthering my education and learning. . . . unexpected illness . . . .retirement . . missions. . . charitable goals. . . etc.

So, some great preparedness questions to ask oneself are:
"What do I need to be financially preparing for?"
"How am I going to be financially prepared for . . . .?"
"What should I be doing differently to be better prepared for . . . ?

My favorite line from the Disney Movie, The Lion King, is "Be Prepared!"

1 comment:

  1. I really like this and I completely agree. Planning to make yourself wealthy is just selfish and brings a lot of personal misery. But looking forward, realizing what you really want, and preparing financially is smart and stable! The best people I know in the world are those who never flaunt what they have, but instead silently help those around them. I know I'd like to be more like that.
