Wednesday, May 6, 2009


In the book, "How Successful People. . . Keep their lives out of the toilet" by Sandra Phillips and Don Aslett, I learned a new way of thinking about commitment.  Commitment is the "I will . . ." attitude.  This differs from I wonder. . ., I wish . . ., I will try. . . ., I'll see what I can do . . ., I will do it as soon as . . .Instead of just having an intention to do something great we must make the commitment to do so.  "Yes. I will."  "I promise."
According to Yoda, "Do or Do not. There is no Try."  After the commitment is made there must be followthrough.  Distractions, detours, and temptations will certainly follow the making of  a commitment.  If we are truly commited then we will not falter from achieving what we said we would do.  

Stick to your task till it sticks to you; 
Beginners are many, but enders are few. 
Honour, power, place, and praise 
Will come, in time, to the one who stays. 

Stick to your task till it stick to you;
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too; 
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile 
Will come life's victories, after awhile. 